
Sexual harassment law for employers in Greece? What does the law actually say?

The Greek Law 4808/2021 law ratified the ILO Convention No. 190 concerning the elimination of violence and harassment in the workplace. Under this law, new protective rights for employees and compliance obligations for employers are introduced.

Published On:
October 24, 2022

The Greek Law 4808/2021 law ratified the ILO Convention No. 190 concerning the elimination of violence and harassment in the workplace. Under this law, new protective rights for employees and compliance obligations for employers are introduced. For example:

  • Employees, who are subject to sexual harassment are allowed to leave the workplace for a reasonable period of time, without any salary loss or other consequences.
  • Employers with more than 20 staff members are responsible to adopt written policies to prevent and combat harassment and violence in the workplace and to handle internal complaints. This protection is afforded not only to employees, but to every person that provides services at the workplace, including independent contractors, interns and volunteers, regardless of the contractual relationship with the employer
  • Further, companies with more than 20 employees, are obliged, within three months from the publication of the law (introduced September 2021), to adopt a policy for the prevention and elimination of violence and harassment at work, that shall declare zero tolerance for these forms of behavior and identify the rights and obligations of the employees and the employer to prevent and deal with such incidents or forms of behavior.
  • In addition, companies employing more than 20 employees, must adopt a policy for managing internal complaints of incidents of violence and harassment, that should describe the process of receiving and examining such complaints in a way that ensures the protection of the victim and respect for human dignity.

True, these measures are not very crystal-clear. They will become crystal clear though once people start to act. It is up to you to act.

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As outsiders, relatives and friends these situations are quite frustrating. Most probably you experience a mix of feelings of being scared for your friend/relative, but also being shocked about their powerlessness and perhaps even angry that they are lying to you. Read on to understand the context of what the person you care about is finding themselves in. 

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Types of Sexual Harassment at Workplace

Sexual harassment is anywhere – at work, at school, on the street, etc. – is not simply about sex. It is about one persone (the harasser) being hostile toward another person (the victim) by abusing power over the victim directed to the victim’s gender.

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